Based on topological neighborhood information of triangular mesh model, cross-section contour curve was extracted rapidly; 基于三角网格模型的拓扑邻接信息,快速提取截面轮廓曲线;
In order to improve the design precision and efficiency, a new method of CAD on contour curve in cam mechanisms is presented. 为了提高凸轮机构的设计精度和效率,介绍了凸轮机构轮廓曲线的一种新的计算机辅助设计(CAD)方法。
A method for measuring the surface tension& Contour Curve Fitting Method, which is determined by digital video image processing of a sessile drop with using computer was discussed. 讨论了一种表面张力测量方法一轮廓曲线吻合法。它是一种应用计算机技术,用数字图像信息处理液滴轮廓的方法。
The analytical formula for the contour curve of the cam is worked out, thereby an accurate method for cam design is presented. 推导出了凸轮轮廓曲线的解析式,从而给出了凸轮的精确设计方法,并说明了这种设计方法与常规设计方法相比的优点。
The design of PC-based CAI/ CAD system for cam contour curve 微机参数化凸轮廓线CAI/CAD系统的设计与实现
In the paper, we calculate actual encircle curve based on accurate flat cam theoretic contour curve equations and analyze in Cartesian coordinate and polar coordinate in order to obtain the molybdenum screw center tracks of control wire cutting machine. 以精密平板凸轮理论轮廓曲线方程计算实际包络曲线,采用直角坐标解析式和极坐标分析,进而确定数控线切割机床钼丝中心的轨迹。
Using structural parameters of saxophone obtained by measuring, the parametric equation and contour curve about saxophone are built with MATLAB. On the basis of the function curves and parameters, it sets up the 3D-solid feature modeling of saxophone with Pro/ E. 利用MATLAB软件中的曲线拟合功能对萨克斯管的轮廓曲线数据进行了分析拟合,得到了相应的参数方程和参数曲线;
In this way, first of all the machined contour curve must be divided in many micro-sections of line or arc, and then node coordinates are found. 这样首先必须将要加工的轮廓曲线划分成微小的直线段或圆弧段,而后求出其节点坐标。
Introduces general equations of cam contour curve, and creates user interface. At the same time establishes marco code for designing and drawing cam curve based on AutoCAD VBA. This provides a new mothed for designing complex plane curve in AutoCAD. 推导出凸轮轮廓曲线的一般解析方程,用VBA创建图形用户界面,编制宏代码,并在AutoCAD中设计和绘制出凸轮轮廓曲线,这一研究为在AutoCAD中复杂平面曲线的设计提供了新方法。
Fast Drawing Contour Curve of Cam with AutoCAD 凸轮轮廓曲线在AutoCAD中的快速生成
By applying the optimal control theory and using the method of multi-designing points to design the cam contour curve with both good dynamic property and strong parametric anti-disturbance force, and the feasibility of this method was verified by a living example. 应用最优控制理论,提出以多设计点法来设计既有良好动态特性且抗参数扰动力强的凸轮轮廓曲线,并以实例验证了该方法的可行性。
The theoretical contour curve equation and the actual contour curve equation of two sides of swing link cam are deduced in the pole coordinate system respectively, and the equation based on two different pole coordinate system are consolidated into one in succession. 研究了摆杆凸轮左右两部分理论轮廓曲线方程和实际轮廓曲线方程,并把两组极坐标系中的方程统一于一组极坐标系中。
Method of Confirming Finish Machining Allowance of Complex Contour Curve 一种确定复杂轮廓曲线精加工余量的方法
A method of computing rifle explorator solid contour curve 求解膛线靠模实体轮廓曲线的一种方法
On the premise of the invariant contour curve shape, do the NURBS subdivision, increase the number of control point, make each of the slice data equal; 在保证轮廓曲线形状不变的前提下,进行NURBS细分,增加控制点的数目,使每层的数据点个数相等;
A new feature-points extraction algorithm is proposed, which uses least square method fitting contour curve and combines slope 、 curvature information to extract feature-points. 提出一种新的轮廓特征点提取方法,它利用最小二乘法拟合轮廓曲线,结合斜率、曲率信息提取特征点。
A new point-to-chord distance accumulation for searching negative curvature minimum points of the parts contour curve was proposed, and the contour was decomposed by the negative curvature minimum points combined the short-cut rule. 提出了一种新的基于点到弦的距离累积算法,以实现零件轮廓曲线上负曲率极值点的检测,并在此基础上利用短切规则实现目标轮廓的分解与特征参数的提取。
The technology on obtaining mesh is in detail discussed based on the contour curve. 基于轮廓曲线,详细探讨了网格生成技术。
Image processing including edge detection, image segment, contour curve, edge tracing, graphics process was introduced. 详细介绍了软件的图像处理部分,功能包括边缘检测、图像分割、轮廓提取、轮廓跟踪、图形处理等。
A new method is introduced in this article which is produced by the computer for the contour curve of the orthographic axonometric projection of the revolved surface on a plane curve. 本文主要介绍任意平面曲线回转面正轴测投影外形线的计算机生成方法。
In order to obtain the wheel wear image and extract the contour curve, the design of multi-DSP processing system is discussed. 对于车轮磨耗图像的获得和外形曲线的提取,重点阐述了多DSP处理系统在绞车车轮外形磨耗实时检测中的设计问题。
The inspection and estimate of the thread contour curve were completed by using laser gauge to measure the dimension of the thread contour curve in the transverse section, and using raster to measure the axial displacement of the precision worktable under the thread test criterion. 利用激光测量头检测螺纹轮廓在横截面上的尺寸,结合由光栅测得的精密平台的轴向位移量和螺纹合格的判断标准完成螺纹轮廓曲线的检测和评价。
The potential force field act mainly on model when contour curve close target region edges. 同时当轮廓曲线到目标区域附近时发挥梯度场较精确的优点。
LBF models often fail to correct the non-uniform object segmentation to the side of the contour curve, when the initial level set curve is away from the object or cross the border. 当初始水平集曲线远离目标边界或者与目标边界发生交叉时,LBF模型往往不能正确的把非均匀目标分割到活动轮廓曲线一侧。
Meanwhile, this method is sensitive to initial contour curve and Slowly to curve evolution, due to the local characteristics. 同时,该模型的局部特性加剧了活轮廓曲线对初始位置的敏感性,曲线演化速度较慢。
The segmentation-based matching algorithm has been used to contour curve with distinct corner point and obscured feature point. After contour segmentation and coarse matching, a dynamic algorithm is used to improve matching quality. 基于轮廓分段的匹配算法适用于具有角点而其它特征点较少的轮廓曲线,该算法在轮廓分段和粗匹配的基础上使用动态规划技术进行精匹配,在保证匹配效果的同时可提高匹配效率。
After the system can be entered by the user the basic parameters of the cam, the automatic generation of contour curve model of the cam, and draw into Pro/ ENGINEER to ibl formats and use them. 在用户输入凸轮基本参数后,系统自动生成凸轮轮廓曲线,然后将其以.ibl格式导入Pro/ENGINEER进行调用。
However, LBF model is sensitive to initial contour curve, due to local property. 然而,LBF模型的局部特性使得该模型对初始轮廓曲线的位置较为敏感。
Fourier descriptors of the contour curve is used for feature extraction. 利用傅里叶描述子对轮廓曲线进行数学建模进而进行特征提取。
The dissertation proposes a method of distributed jamming system against SAR based on contour curve chart, which could measure jammed scope of SAR in azimuth dimension. 利用等轮廓曲线图得到对SAR的方位向干扰范围,从而提出了对SAR分布式干扰布站的方法。